List of Publications


Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Quanzhou Qianfo xinzhu zhuzushi song (Or.8210/S.1635): Manuscript, Textual History, and Genealogy.” T’oung Pao 109, no. 5–6 (December 2023): 527–78. [ca. 28,500 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “Lineages as Network: A Study of Chan Genealogy in the Zutang ji 祖堂集 Using Social Network Analysis.” Religions 14, no. 2: 205 (February 2023), 29 pp. [ca. 19,600 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent, and Christoph Anderl. "A Translation and Study of Chán Master Jìngxiū’s 淨修禪師 Preface to the Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集" Religions 12, no. 11: 974 (November 2021), 39 pp. [ca. 36,000 words]

Not Peer-Reviewed

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Zutang ji 祖堂集: Aspects of Textual History, Genealogy, and Intertextuality.” Ph.D. dissertation. Ghent: Ghent University, June 2023, 547 pp. [ca. 238,650 words]

Book Reviews

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “Review of: John Kieschnick. Buddhist Historiography in China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022. 288 pp. $150.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-231-20563-4.” H-Net Reviews (May 2024): 8 pp. (PDF version). [ca. 4,150 words]

Anderl, Christoph, and Laurent Van Cutsem. “Review of: Stuart H. Young. Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2015. 352 pp. $60.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8248-4120-1.” H-Net Reviews (June 2016): 6 pp. (PDF version). [ca. 2,500 words]

Contributions to Databases and Online Dictionaries

Database of Medieval Chinese Texts (ed. Christoph Anderl)

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Quanzhou Qianfo xinzhu zhuzushi song 泉州千佛新著諸祖師頌 (S.1635): A TEI-based edition.” In Database of Medieval Chinese Texts, Ghent University and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies 中華佛學研究所, January 2021. [ca. 52,500 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “Chan master Jingxiu’s 淨修禪師 preface to the Zutang ji 祖堂集 (K.1503): A TEI-based edition.” In Database of Medieval Chinese Texts, Ghent University and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies 中華佛學研究所, October 2020. [ca. 6,000 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Goryeo 高麗 preface to the Zutang ji 祖堂集 (K.1503): A TEI-based edition.” In Database of Medieval Chinese Texts, Ghent University and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies 中華佛學研究所, October 2020. [ca. 9,100 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Zutang ji 祖堂集: A Comprehensive .xlsx Table of Its Contents and Structure.” In Database of Medieval Chinese Texts, Ghent University and Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies 中華佛學研究所, September 2020.

Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (ed. A. Charles Muller)

Van Cutsem, Laurent. 2021. “Xù Bǎolín zhuàn 續寶林傳”. In Digital Dictionary of Buddhism. Edited by A. Charles Muller.續寶林傳. [ca. 700 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. 2021. “Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集”. In Digital Dictionary of Buddhism. Edited by A. Charles Muller.祖堂集. [ca. 2,500 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. 2021. “Chán Master Jìngxiū 淨修禪師”. In Digital Dictionary of Buddhism. Edited by A. Charles Muller.淨修禪師. [ca. 2,100 words]

Other entries: ā as prefix (jiētóu cí 接頭辭); ānǎ 阿那; ānǎlǐ 阿那裏; āpó 阿婆; ānǐ 阿你.


Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Database of Medieval Chinese Texts: A Critical Overview (Part Two).” The Digital Orientalist, April 2023. [ca. 2,500 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Database of Medieval Chinese Texts: A Critical Overview (Part One).” The Digital Orientalist, March 2023. [ca. 1,800 words]

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “Graphic Variants and Phonetic Borrowings in Medieval Chinese Sources: A Report Article on the Workshop ‘Graphic Variation, Modification, and Replacement in Medieval Chinese Writing: Case Studies and Resources’ (August 17 and November 30, 2021).” Blog of the Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies, May 2022. [ca. 7,800 words]

Photography of Buddhist Sites in China (Selection)

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “North side of the Chaoyang North Pagoda (朝陽北塔 北面) during the 2019 restoration.” UBC Community and Partner Publications, July 2019. doi:

Van Cutsem, Laurent. “The Datongfa si (大通法寺) stele on the left side of the interior court in the Guandi Temple (關帝廟).” UBC Community and Partner Publications, July 2019. doi:

Van Cutsem, Laurent, and Yuqing Luo. “The south-east face of the White Pagoda (Baita 白塔).” UBC Community and Partner Publications, July 2019. doi:

Van Cutsem, Laurent, and Yuqing Luo. “The south face of the White Pagoda (Baita 白塔).” UBC Community and Partner Publications, July 2019. doi:

Van Cutsem, Laurent, and Yuqing Luo. “The preface of the dharani sutra of the Liao dynasty dharani pillar (陀羅尼經幢) at Yunju Temple (雲居寺) 1.” UBC Community and Partner Publications, July 2019 (description by Luo Yuqing). doi:

Lectures and Talks

“Texts Within Texts: A Study of the Fragments of the Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 Quoted in the Keitoku dentō shōroku 景德傳燈鈔錄 (駒澤大學圖書館藏《景德傳燈鈔錄》中《寶林傳》引文研究).” Presented at the International Conference “Cross-Regional and Cross-Cultural Interaction and Integration between Buddhism and Other Asian Religions 佛教與亞洲宗教跨地域與跨文化的互鑒與共融,” organized by the Center for Buddhist Culture Studies 佛教文化研究中心 at Zhejiang University 浙江大學, in collaboration with the Glorisun Global Network of Buddhist Studies, with administration support from the FROGBEAR project at the University of British Columbia. Zhejiang University, August 16–19, 2024.

“Did the Indian Patriarchs Matter?: A Diachronic Study of Chan Hagiographies of Ānanda from the Late Tang to the Early Northern Song (晚唐至北宋早期禪宗文獻中阿難傳的歷時性研究).” Presented at the International Conference “Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-Canonical: Interdisciplinary and Multi-media Studies of the Formation, Translation and Transmission of Buddhist Texts 佛教典籍的成立與傳譯視閾下的佛教中國化,” co-organized by The Wutai Shan Institute of Buddhism and Eastern Asian Culture 五臺山東方佛教文化研究院, the FROGBEAR project based at the University of British Columbia, and the Institute for Ethics and Religions Studies 道德與宗教研究院 at Tsinghua University 清華大學. Great Bamboo Grove Monastery 大聖竹林, Mount Wutai 五臺山, August 11–15, 2024.

“A Typology of Demotic Characters Used in Dunhuang Manuscripts.” Presented at an ALTERGRAPHY meeting, Ghent University, Inalco, and Heidelberg University, July 3, 2024.

“Texts Within Texts: A Study of the Fragments of the Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 Quoted in the Keitoku dentō shōroku 景德傳燈鈔錄.” Presented at the Research Forum of the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies, Ghent University, March 25, 2024.

“Towards a Definition of Yitizi 異體字: Some Preliminary Remarks.” Presented at the “ALTERGRAPHY project launch workshop,” Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Inalco, Paris), Nov. 31–Dec. 1, 2023.

“Chan/Zen and the Art of Quoting (Part II): A Comparative Philological Analysis of the Fragments of the Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 Quoted in the Keitoku dentō shōroku 景德傳燈鈔錄 against the Jinzang 金藏 Edition.” Presented at the Symposium “International Travels of Chinese Text: Global Perspectives and New Approaches to Chinese Textual Culture 漢籍文本之國際漫遊:對漢籍文本文化之當代態度與寰宇視角,” National Library of Latvia, in collaboration with the National Central Library 國家圖書館, Nov. 10–11, 2023.

“Lineages as Network: An Inquiry into the Representation of Dharma Lineages of Chan Buddhism in the Zutang ji 祖堂集.” Presented at the Symposium “Perspectives of Digital Humanities in the Field of Buddhist Studies,” Hamburg University, Jan. 13, 2023.

“Chan/Zen and the Art of Quoting: On the Surviving Fragments of the Nonextant Tenth Juan of the Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 in the Keitoku dentō shōroku 景德傳燈鈔錄 and their Relationship with the Zutang ji 祖堂集.” Presented at the International Conference “How Zen Became Chan: Pre-modern and Modern Representations of a Transnational East Asian Buddhist Tradition,” co-organized by the FROGBEAR project at the University of British Columbia and the Glorisun Global Network of Buddhist Studies at Yale University, July 29–31, 2022.

“From Quanzhou to Dunhuang: A Multifaceted Approach to Wendeng’s 文僜 (d. 972) Praise Verses for the Patriarchs and Early Masters of the Southern Chan Tradition.” Presented at the Dunhuang & Silk Road Seminar Series, Easter 2022, Cambridge University, May 19, 2022.

“The Preface to the Quánzhōu Qiānfó xīnzhù zhūzǔshī sòng 泉州千佛新著諸祖師頌 (Or.8210/S.1635): Aspects of Textual History and Translation.” Presented at the Research Forum of the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies, Ghent University, Nov. 16, 2021.

“An Attempt at Editing and Translating the Quánzhōu Qiānfó xīnzhù zhūzǔshī sòng 泉州千佛新著諸祖師頌 (Or.8210/S.1635).” Presented at the Workshop “Pre-modern Chinese Buddhist Texts: a translation workshop of readings from the Sinophone world,” SOAS University of London, June 14–16, 2021.

“The Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集 Between ‘Transmission’ and ‘Teaching’: Some Reflections on the Nature of Early of Chuándēnglù 傳燈錄.” Presented at the Symposium “Stone Carved Scriptures, Belief, and Religious Life: The Ideology and Medium of the Chinese Buddhist Social Life 石刻,信仰與生活-漢傳佛教社會生活的觀念與載體, ” organized by Tsinghua University 清華大學, July 6–7, 2019.